Thursday, January 8, 2009

Following Obama's Inauguration

As much as I'd like to be there, it looks like I'm not going to make Obama's inauguration. D.C. is just too much of a drive. If you're in the same boat, you might want to check out It's a site with video, blog, etc. coverage of the inauguration, plus a social networking component. (Thanks for the link, Rich!)

Here's a blurb from their About page:
The LINK-live Presidential Inaugural Event ... will connect hundreds of thousands of Americans on the eve of a new era in American politics. Over 4 million Americans will converge on Washington, D.C. to participate in the Inauguration - LINK-live will make it possible for many others in local communities and around the world to also participate in the historic celebration through online technologies.
For obvious reasons, the site is targeting a mostly-left-leaning audience, but other than the focus on the Obama administration, I don't see much of an editorial slant. My deeply Republican friends may be turned off by the calls for mobilization/activism that hover around the page, but on the whole it looks like a good substitute for the long drive to the capitol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Abe,

Thanks for talking about us! If you have any questions, email me: we're the folks setting up the platform for the gala.

See you on Inauguration Day!

Ben Perkins