Friday, April 15, 2011

More text archives

Three more data sets (108MB, gzipped) for training classifiers. All these files are text-only, crawled in the week of 12/17/2010. It just took me a while to get around to releasing them.
political (115M):
Front pages from ~2,500 political sites. These sites were rated extremely likely to be political (p>.99) in an early version of my census of the political web. I revisited the same sites several months later and downloaded the new front pages to create this dataset. They should be appropriate for case-control training of a political classifier.

random (471M):
Front pages from ~8,000 "random" sites. These are a pseudo-representative sample of the web. I ran several web spiders in parallel, recording all outbound links from visited sites. I deliberately undersampled common namespaces, in order to avoid getting trapped in densely-linked social networking sites. The 8,000 sites are a random sample from a list of ~2 million sites generated in a crawl of this type.

porn (43M):
Front pages from ~1,200 pornography sites. I never thought I'd be curating pornography as part of my dissertation, but so much of the web is porn that I've had to build special classifiers to screen it out before sending to my undergrad research team for coding. These 1,200 sites were all linked from

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